Sunday, April 5, 2009

Ethical Principles

The discussions which were held in class about the ethical lapses were very interesting and informative. I was so very surprised after hearing the story about the Nazi cars, because although I was aware of the demeaning and acts of injustice that took place during the Holocaust, I didn't realize that documents such as the one we read were released. I was disappointed to see the boldness of the memo, revealing the extreme cruelty that was being displayed towards the humans being carried as merchandise. The memo which we read critically revealed the reality of how people often act unethically without any recognition of their wrongdoings. In addition, the discussion about the Ford Pinto was eye-opening for me. It just shed a new light on the extent to which unethical situations occur in the United States. Particularly, I became more aware of the measures which companies will take to thrive in the business industry, even if greediness and unfairness to customers is necessary to do so.

I think that it is very important that one possess ethical principles of his/her own to guide them through difficult situations and help them to get through life as purposefully as possible. I realize that it is necessary to render to everyone the respect that they deserve. All people are born with certain rights that should never be stripped away from them. I also feel that one must have a set of standards for themselves which they never compromise. Those standards should never lead anyone to demean another human being or belittle themselves. In the workforce, I will strive to remain loyal to my ethical principles, aiming to be a trustworthy employee who is genuine and fair to others. Most of all, regardless of the situation or amount of money that is involved, I will always respect the ideals and opinions of others, while following my own ethical principles to live justly.

1 comment:

  1. Hey!
    I like that you included being aware of other people's morals in your own moral code. I think that is an important thing to think about because not everyone has the same values. Nice job with the post!
